About Us

Kirkfield Westwood Nursery School provides a safe, well equipped, well supervised preschool, reflecting an awareness of the social, physical and psychological development-taking place in young children. Our programs allow children to develop cognitive, language, social, emotional, physical and self-help skills through both individual and group activities, large and small muscle activities and child initiated activities. We encourage children to make choices, to express themselves in words and actions, and to learn to trust and respect themselves and others. We recognize that child development is a continuous process and that each child is unique in the way that they see the world.


Meet Our Teachers



ECE II; Program Director; 4 Year Old Program Teacher

I have been working in the exciting early learning field for over 20 years. I received my Early Childhood Education II Diploma from Red River College in 2000. I always knew that working with young children was what I wanted to do. I have worked in many different centres and have had the pleasure of meeting so many wonderful early educators and amazing children and families along the way. I grew up in Westwood and have been a part of this fantastic community since I was young, but it wasn’t until I had children of my own that I was introduced to Kirkfield Westwood Nursery School! My first encounter with KW Nursery School was in 2008 when my son attended the program. I immediately joined the board of directors and fell in love with the program and people involved with the school. I officially joined the KW team in 2009 as the 4 year old program teacher, and a few years later became the Executive Director, and have been loving my job ever since!

I believe the recipe for a perfect program is a mixture of child led free play experiences and teacher directed hands on learning opportunities that will not only enhance a child’s love for early learning, but also provide a positive entry in the education system.



CCA; 3 Year Old Program Teacher

I entered into the early learning field after high school where I completed my Child Care Assistant (CCA) credit working at the Westwood Community Child Care program. I grew up outside of Westwood but moved to this beautiful community where I was introduced to Kirkfield Westwood Nursery School in 2011 when my own children attended the program. I fell in love with the classroom and the values it represented. I joined the Board of Directors for two years until my youngest graduated from the 4-year old program. 2 years later I was presented with the opportunity to work at KWNS as an Inclusion Support Staff. I fell more in love with the classroom and being surrounded by children thriving in such an encouraging setting.

I am continuing my education and am currently enrolled in the Early Childhood Education (ECE) distance program to complete my ECE Level II. Fostering children's growth and development is second to none and inspires me daily. When I'm not in the classroom I enjoy spending time with friends and family and watching my children play and thrive in their favourite sports and activities.


“If children feel safe, they can take risks, ask questions, make mistakes, learn to trust, share their feelings, and grow.” ~ Alfie Kohn.