Covid-19 Pandemic Policy

1. Drop Off & Pick Up - Parents/Guardians will bring their child to the classroom door at the bottom of the stairs where you will be met by their teacher. We ask that only one parent/guardian do drop off and pick ups and to please practice social distancing and hygiene practices when in the building. One of the teachers will assist your child with getting ready for class including putting away their jackets, changing their shoes, and assist with hand washing.

2. Hand Washing - Children and staff will be frequently hand washing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds throughout class time.

-at the start and end of class time
-after going to the washroom
-before and after eating snack
-after wiping noses or handling Kleenex -after coughing, sneezing and blowing nose -before/after outside or gym time

3. Illness - Any child, parent/guardian, staff or visitor must not enter the community centre or nursery school if they are sick, even if symptoms resemble a minor cold. Symptoms include:

-shortness of breath
-sore throat
-runny nose
-Nasal congestion
-a general feeling of being unwell
**Please note that other symptoms may include: muscle aches, fatigue, loss of smell, diarrhea in addition to respiratory symptoms

It is extremely important that children stay home if they have any symptoms, even if mild, or are feeling unwell. Should your child become ill they cannot return to school until they are symptom free for 24 hours or have been checked by a medical professional. If you are unsure, please contact public health and follow their direction. If your child or any family member get tested for Covid-19, they cannot return to school until you receive a negative result. You will need to provide proof of the negative test result.

4. Outside Toys - We ask that children do not bring any toys from home unless otherwise outlined by the teaching staff (i.e. show and tell days)

5. Snack - We will not be providing snack. We will have “snack time” at 10:15am and 2:15pm where children can eat a healthy snack brought from home. Please send a drink or water bottle labeled with your Childs name.

6. Cleaning and Disinfecting - We will be cleaning and disinfecting high-touch objects and surfaces throughout the day including toys, tables, chairs, countertops, bathroom surfaces, etc. as outlined by our MELCC protocols.

7. Health concerns - If your child is sick please stay home! If your child develops symptoms during class time he/she will be isolated and separated from the other children. The parent/ guardian will be notified to come pick up the child immediately and will be instructed to call public health or your child’s Doctor for further instruction if required.

8. Staff Illness - Should staff become ill we will do our best to provide a suitable substitute. In the event no substitute can be found, class will be cancelled and families will be notified.